Recently, there have been more and more individuals seriously injured and even killed as a result of hit and run accidents. This past week, a young gentleman was killed in a hit and run collision and, a month prior to that, a loving grandmother.
A hit and run is when another driver hits a pedestrian or cyclist and fails to remain at the scene. It is important to note that drivers who fail to remain at the scene of an accident can be charged under the Highway Traffic Act and Criminal Code. According to Ontario law, under Section 199 of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, drivers are to remain at the scene of an accident and report it accordingly to the police and their insurance company.
If you or a family member have been injured or killed as a result of an accident where the driver has fled the scene, it is important to speak to an experienced personal injury lawyer quickly in order to ensure you get compensation for your injuries and losses. You may be entitled to accident benefits compensation and tort compensation.
Depending on the situation, you may be entitled to claim compensation through the unidentified motorist policy or through the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund. An unidentified vehicle is a vehicle whose driver or owner cannot be determined. Under section 265(9) of Ontario’s Insurance Act, all motor vehicle policies are required to provide unidentified and uninsured motorist insurance coverage. The Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund is considered to be the “payor of last resort” as it provides compensation to people injured in automobile accidents when no automobile insurance exists to respond to the claim.
Every case is different and it is important to know your rights in hit and run collisions.